Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dating Darwinism

A potential suitor once told me that I should "kick those other guys to the curb" and go out with him.  I responded by telling him that those guys were kicking themselves to the curb...and it made me think: sometimes, problems just take care of themselves.  Kind of like Darwinism.

Dating Darwinism can take all forms: a bad pickup line in a bar, repeated instances of foot-in-mouth disease, poor manners, or a failure to embrace common forms of hygiene.

My most recent example: wearing a wedding ring and flirting with girls (me) in front of the wife.  "Hey, can I get a picture with you and your friend here?  You girls are just so cute!  Saw you from across the bar!"  Uhhh...what??

 Now, before you go off on me for being too tough on guys, I want it noted for the record that I often give too many guys too many chances to redeem themselves.  Remember Mr. Chicago?  That whole thing evolved over three weeks!  He just never quite got it together....hence, dating Darwinism.

A girl friend of mine had a dating Darwinism moment of her own.  The fella took her to a movie for their date.  He seemed nice enough and she was having a good time.  The movie, a comedy, became even more hilarious when the date began loudly laughing at non-funny moments in the movie.  He would also point at the screen and elbow her, as if to say, "See!?  That sh*t is funny!" which it was not, as evidenced by the fact that he was the only one laughing.  Oh--and his laugh??  Think of a donkey's bray...combined with the snuffling and snorting of a pig.  Not exactly subtle...or attractive for that matter.  Bless him...he makes us laugh every time we remember him!

So what are your dating Darwinism moments?  Do you laugh them off or do they catch you shaking your head in wonderment?  And guys...don't think I'm picking on you...girls can be their own worst enemy too!

1 comment:

  1. I think some days, Leah, that I am an entire study in Dating Darwinism all by my lonesome. No matter what I do, I just can't seem to find a decent man.
