My darling gal pal came over for dinner last night and some chick chat time. It seems she's started seeing someone........or, more specifically, she's started dating her ex-boyfriend again. After the initial <<gasp!>>...I started thinking about ex-boyfriends. Why is it that some of them disappear into the abyss of Ex-BoyfriendLand and others linger in our lives? And for those that linger, are we supposed to/allowed to go back? Un-ex-boyfriend them? Call them up from AAA, to use a baseball analogy?
If we are going to call them up from the farm team...what are the criteria? Sometimes, there are just too many injuries on the roster, there's a gap in the lineup or weak first baseman. Once in awhile, you just need a Prince Fielder-type to come in and knock out a few home runs, give the team a morale to speak.
Other times, though, we sent them down in order to teach a calling them back up tells them that they're out of the proverbial doghouse with the team manager. That, darling reader, is the most dangerous form of recall because we never really know if he's ready to take a solid place on the team or if he's just going to cause more fielding errors. Is he ready for the big leagues?
We can never really know for sure until we've given him a chance to show us what he's got. So we take a risk, we put our hearts in the game because that's what life is about: showing up and trying. The greatest risks can bear the greatest rewards. But with ex-boyfriends, we keep our eyes open, watching, assessing, using the first few dates as a tryout while reserving judgment and guarding ourselves from injury.
But playing like that is dangerous--using too much caution and trying to avoid getting hurt can sometimes lead to a worse outcome. We're so caught up in trying not to get hit with a pitch that we forget to swing for the fences. It's a balancing act, to be sure.